General Abstract Information
Abstract notifications have been sent as of December 11, 2024, and January 31, 2025 respectively.
Abstract Categories
In an effort to continuously evolve, SRI has modified some of its abstract sub-categories. Therefore, please carefully review where your abstract(s) might best fit. This includes intertwining global health into numerous categories, to emphasize its importance in a plethora of reproductive health topics. We are also pleased to add a new category on The Future of Reproductive Regenerative Medicine!
1: Basic Parturition, Prematurity
2: Gynecology
3: Clinical Perinatology
4: Developmental Programming
5: Fetus
6: Gynecologic Oncology
7: Maternal Biology, Health
8: Placenta
9: Preeclampsia, Related Disorders
10: Reproductive Endocrinology, Infertility
11: Reproductive Biology
12: The Future of Reproductive Regenerative Medicine
Below are the policies of the SRI abstract submission process. By submitting an abstract, you are agreeing to abide by these policies.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- You do not need to be a member of SRI to submit an abstract.
- A non-refundable processing fee of $50.00 (US) is required for each abstract. Payment must be completed online using Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express to complete the submission process.
- Three (3) keywords for each abstract will be included.
- You are allotted 2,700 characters, which will include your Abstract Title, Abstract Body, Authors/Institutions. The allotted characters do not include white space. Figures and Tables will not be accepted for 2025.
- Please review the SRI Policy on Abstract Withdrawal and confirm compliance on the Questionnaire page.
- The expectation when an abstract is submitted, is that the submitting author will be in attendance either at their poster, or oral.
- If accepted for presentation at the meeting, the abstract will be published as entered into the 2025 Annual Meeting Program. However, the Editors reserve the right to edit any abstract that contains grammatical errors.
- Each submitted abstract will be reviewed by 4-6 expert reviewers, scored according to criteria described below, and 15% of the accepted abstracts will be chosen for oral presentation. Please note that as the SRI Program Committee is committed to maintaining high standards for the meeting, it is anticipated that a number of low-ranking abstracts will be rejected following peer-review.
- Case Reports are not generally encouraged for submission as abstracts unless they significantly advance the field of Reproductive Science.
The SRI will not be held responsible for abstract submissions not received via the website or for submission errors caused by internet service outages, hardware or software delays, power outages or unforeseen events.
In-Training Verification Form
In order to qualify for the In Training travel awards and for In Training oral and poster award prizes you must verify your status by uploading a Verification Form during the abstract submission process.
You are an Investigator In Training if you fulfill the following two criteria:
- You fall into one of the following categories:
- Clinical Fellow in an approved training program, specialty research fellow (Ex: (WRHR, RSDP)
- Postdoctoral Fellow within six years of receiving doctoral or senior degree
- Resident
- Student: Full-time students enrolled in a formal training program leading to a degree (BA, BS, MD, PhD, MS, MPH)
- Postgraduate Research Trainee: Individuals within three years of receiving their bachelor’s or master’s degree engaged in a predoctoral research experience (i.e. Postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA/CRTA) Program)
- You do not currently hold and have never held a faculty position or equivalent in any country.
The following form must be completed by all In Training Presenters whether or not you would like to be eligible for an award.
In Training Verification Form - Word Doc
In Training Verification Form - PDF
The letter must be uploaded during the abstract submission process or emailed to as a PDF or Word Document.
Previously Presented Abstracts
- Abstracts cannot contain data previously presented at a national or international meeting at the time of abstract submission.
- Abstracts cannot contain data already accepted for publication in any online or PubMed indexed venue at the time of abstract submission.
- Violators will be subject to abstract withdrawal, and may be barred from presenting at future SRI meetings.
Evaluation of abstracts will be based on the following considerations:
- Originality/Innovation: Is the idea or approach novel or is the work primarily confirmatory and/or a direct extension of previous work?
- Significance/Relevance: Does the work address an important problem?
- Objective/Hypothesis: Is an objective, specific research question and/or hypothesis stated?
- Methods: Are the methods described? Are the methods employed appropriate to the research question? Were new methods used and validated?
- Results: Are the results described clearly and succinctly? Was data evaluated statistically?
- Discussion: Is the conclusion supported by the data
Withdrawal Policy
Formal Abstract Withdrawal Policy
All withdrawal requests must be submitted to SRI Meetings Manager, Jamie Brouws (she/her) at
Please note that not all requests may be accommodated.
Abstract Notifications
Late Breaking Abstract notifications have been sent as of January 31, 2025.
Abstract notifications have been sent as of December 11, 2024.
Abstract notifications will be sent by email to the presenting author as early as December 17, 2024 and no later than December 31, 2024.
Within the notification, the abstract presenting author will be required to accept or decline participation in the 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting by a specific deadline.
The presenting author must register for the Annual Meeting to present an abstract. Submitting an abstract does not register you for the meeting. All presenting authors are responsible for registering themselves, and book their own housing, if needed. Abstract presenters do not receive complimentary registration.
Contact authors should add to their safe senders list to ensure they receive the email.
If you have a change of email address please contact as we only communicate notifications via email.
Emails are only sent to the primary/first author of the abstract submission.