Late Breaking Abstracts

Late Breaking Abstract Submission is CLOSED

Late Breaking Abstract notifications have been sent as of January 31, 2025.
Late Breaking Abstracts were accepted through Monday, January 20, 2025 at 5:00 pm CT.

Why Submit a Late Breaking Abstract? 

The purpose of the late breaking submission of abstracts is to give researchers the opportunity to report recently generated research on important basic, translational or clinical discoveries in women's reproductive health. Here are a few guidelines:

Note: The deadline will remain firm and any late breaking abstracts received after the deadline will not be accepted. No changes or withdrawals will be allowed for late breaking abstracts.

Up to two late breaking abstracts will be chosen for oral presentations in our "Hot Topics" session on Saturday, March 29. Late breaking abstracts will not be published in the meeting abstract book or final program

Late Breaking Abstract Submission Guidelines

If you have any questions while submitting your abstract, please contact technical support at or call 217-398-1792. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8:00AM - 5:00PM Central Standard Time.

If you have a change of email address please contact and as we only communicate notifications via email. Emails are only sent the primary/first author of the abstract submission.

Prior Publication Policy

Evaluation of Abstracts

Abstracts will be scored based on the following considerations:

  1. Originality/Innovation: Is the idea or approach novel or is the work primarily confirmatory and/or a direct extension of previous work?
  2. Significance/Relevance: Does the work address an important problem?
  3. Objective/Hypothesis: Is an objective, specific research question and/or hypothesis stated?
  4. Methods: Are the methods described? Are the methods employed appropriate to the research question? Were new methods used and validated?
  5. Results: Are the results described clearly and succinctly? Was data evaluated statistically?
  6. Discussion: Is the conclusion supported by the data

Examples of excellent abstracts from a previous SRI Annual Scientific Meeting.

Getting Started with Your Submission