Global Outreach Committee

global outreach committee


The Global Outreach (GO) Committee is meant to further internationalize SRI by promoting and organizing initiatives and programs held outside of North America. The GO Committee will also promote and encourage international participation in SRI. This includes webinars, podcasts, international summits, and assisting with site selection of international meetings as requested. Members of the Global Outreach committee itself should be representative of multiple regions of the world.

Committee Members

Chair: Kristin Connor, PhD - Carleton University
Irina Burd, MD, PhD:(WFRC Representative)- University of Maryland SOM
Bernardo Krause, PhD- Universidad de O'Higgins
Murray Mitchell, DPhil, DSc- Queensland University of Technology
Chiara Mando, PhD- Università degli Studi di Milano
Leslie Myatt, PhD- Oregon Health & Science University
Genevieve Neal-Perry, MD, PhD (DEI Representative): University of North Carolina SOM
Bas van Rijn, MD, PhD- Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Elena Zambrano, PhD- Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutricion SZ, Mexico
Nanbert Zhong, MD- New York State Institute for Basic Research
Staff liaisons: Leah Miller & Jamie Brouws

Composition and Appointment

In addition to the Chair, the ideal size for this committee would be 7-10 members. The Global Outreach Committee meets as needed and primarily communicates via email. Committee members can expect to dedicate about 4-6 hours per year toward participating on this committee. 


  • Participate in group discussion, attend Zoom meetings as needed, and communicate via email to inform discussions and complete committee tasks
  • Collaborate with other SRI committees as necessary
  • Review the goals and intentions of the Global Outreach committee, ensuring that the Society is adequately supporting its international members
  • Promote international webinars and circulate among network

Committee Work

  • Global Reproductive Sciences Webinar Series - Chile episode
  • SRI International Annual Meetings

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Society for Reproductive Investigation

since 1953

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