2019 Award Winners
SRI President's Plenary Awards

Michelle Coleman, PhD

Ryan Marquardt

Stefania Salsano

Owen Vaughan, PhD
SRI President's Presenter's Awards
Marisol Castillo-Castrejon, PhD |
Zakia Sultana, PhD |
NIH Travel Grants
Craig Bierle, PhD
Jennifer A. Courtney
Carole A. McBride
Theresa Nga Ling Ko, PhD
David Owen, MD, PhD
Liang Yu, PhD
Chi Zhou, PhD
Hannah Zierden
2019 In Training Investigator Poster Awards
SRI is pleased to announce the recipients for the In Training Investigator Poster Awards, chosen during the 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting. Congratulations to the following:
Max Aung |
Jessica Lentscher |
Susana Pereira |
SRI 2019 Travel Awards
The SRI Travel Awards were established in 2018 to support attendance of in training investigators at the Annual Meeting and recognize trainees for the high quality of their abstracts. A total of 50 awards were given to intercontinental ($1,000) and continental (from the same continent as the location of the Annual Meeting) in training investigators ($500). The awardees were recognized at the Annual Meeting by having their names placed both on a sign, as well as a slide projected throughout the meeting.
Marisol Castillo-Castrejon, PhD |
Zakia Sultana, PhD |