2018 Award Winners
SRI Lifetime Distinguished Service Award

John Challis, PhD, FRCOG, FRSC
SRI Distinguished Scientist Award

Lucilla Poston, PhD
Frederick Naftolin Award for Mentorship

Gautam Chaudhuri, MD, PhD
President's Achievement Award

Mana Parast, MD, PhD
Rogerio A. Lobo Award
Andrés Lopez Bernal, MD, Dphil
Laxmi Baxi Awards

Raffaella Lucciola
NOT PICTURED: Gary Altwerger, MD
Thomas McDonald Award

Sunam Gurung, PhD
Georgio Pardi Travel Award

Sofia Makieva
SRI President's Plenary Awards

Ellie Battersby
Alexandros Mouratidis
Reshef Tal, MD, PhD
Nicola Tempest, MBChB
2018 In Training Investigator Poster Awards
SRI is pleased to announce the recipients for the In Training Investigator Poster Awards, chosen during the 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting. Congratulations to the following:
Peyvand Amini |
Shelly Soni, MD |
Victoria Fratto |
SRI Travel Awards - New in 2018!
The SRI Travel Awards were established in 2018 to support attendance of in training investigators at the Annual Meeting and recognize trainees for the high quality of their abstracts. A total of 50 awards were given to intercontinental ($1,000) and continental (from the same continent as the location of the Annual Meeting) in training investigators ($500). The awardees were recognized at the Annual Meeting by having their names placed both on a sign, as well as a slide projected throughout the meeting.
Mona Alharbi Soumyalekshmi Nair Katrien De Clercq Pin Li Katja Murtoniemi Rebekka Einenkel Yusuke Shibuya Almena Montserrat Lopez Luna, MSc Jacqueline Lagendijk, MD Rivka Koedooder, MD Maria Adank, MD Geranne Jiskoot Jasmine Plows, PhD Silvia Perez Cheng-Yi Chen Tessa Garrud Nilufer Rahmioglu, PhD Pei Lai, PhD Shirin Khanjani, MD, PhD Emmanuel Amabebe Zahirrah Begam Mohamed Rasheed Liana Yamanouchi Kathryn Dalrymple, MSc Youguo Niu, DPhil Stephanie Worton |
Jun Lei, PhD |
2018 SRI/Pfizer President's Presenter Award Winners
The Pfizer (formerly Wyeth) President’s Presenter Award was established in 1996 to recognize the 25 most meritorious abstracts (either poster or oral presentation) submitted by individuals still in training.
Fellows and those in both pre and post-doctoral training are eligible to receive the award, which has been generously funded by Pfizer. The 25 awardees will receive a certificate, a check, and they and their training directors will be honored at a luncheon at the SRI annual meeting. The society has always sought a means by which to encourage young investigators to present their research at our meeting. We anticipate the Pfizer President’s Presenter’s Award will result in the submission of more and better abstracts by the very people who need encouragement to consider a research career.
Leena Alanne
Mentor: Not Pictured
Beth Allison (Not Pictured)
Mentor: Dino Giussani, PhD ScD FRCOG and Youguo Niu, DPhil
Ihor Atabiekov, MD (Not Pictured)
Mentor: Igboeli Prosper, MD
David Bolumar, BSc, MSc
Mentor: Felipe Vilella Mitjana, PhD
Anna Buigues
Mentor: Sonia Herraiz, PhD
Jessica Ehrig, MD
Mentor: Henry Galan, MD
Abdeljabar El Andaloussi, PhD, MBA
Mentor: Ayman Al-Hendy, MD, PhD
Leonardo Ermini
Mentor: Isabella Caniggia, MD, PhD
Moriya Gamliel (Not Pictured)
Mentor: Simcha Yagel, MD
Elisa Giacomini, PhD
Mentor: Enrico Papaleo, MD
Jessica Hebert
Mentor: Terry Morgan, MD, PhD
Pictured: Helen Jones, PhD
Rita Hess, BSc
Mentor: Dino Giussani, PhD ScD FRCOG
Rama Lakshman, BSc
Mentor: Dino Giussani, PhD ScD FRCOG
Holly Lewis, MRCOG
Mentor: David MacIntyre, PhD
Sandy Li, MD
Mentor: Thomas Price, MD
Brooke Liang
Mentor: Indira Mysorekar, PhD
Shimeng Liu, BS
Mentor: Serdar Bulun, MD
Carolyn Mitchell, PhD
Mentor: Tamas Zakar, MD, PhD
Scott Morin, MD
Mentor: Emre Seli, MD
Chris Pankey
Mentor: Peter Nathanielsz, MD, PhD, ScD
Jonathan Riel
Mentor: Men-Jean Lee, MD
Jessica Vazquez, MSc
Mentor: Aleksandar K. Stanic, MD, PhD
Carole-Anne Whigham, MB, ChB
Mentor: Tu'uhevaha Kaitu'u-Lino, PhD
Penghua Yang, PhD
Mentor: Peixin Yang, PhD (Not Pictured)
Man Zhang, MD, PhD
Mentor: Emre Seli, MD