OHSU DOHaD Summer Course 2024

Center for developmental health

Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
Summer Course 2024


When: August 5-8, 2024

Where: Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR

Who: Graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and early-stage faculty who are interested in the long-term consequences of developmental programming

Cost: $275 USD

The OHSU Center for Developmental Health is hosting its third annual DOHaD Summer Course for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and early-career faculty.  

Each day will have a specific theme aligning presentations and activities.

Day 1    DOHaD Foundations and Cardiovascular Disease
Day 2    Environmental Impacts
Day 3    DOHaD: Interventions and Cancer
Day 4    Sex, Metabolism, & Career Development

The course will emphasize career development. Participants will be paired with a faculty mentor throughout the course, and daily workshops will focus on different career development skills. A poster session of participants’ research will be attended and judged by speakers and faculty. Participants will also be divided into groups to create an Experimental Design group presentation. 

We encourage you to register soon! Visit our website to view the initial schedule and stay updated on additional speakers and a more detailed agenda. 


Society for Reproductive Investigation

since 1953

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